Customer Update Autobodies Gold Coast Corona Virus Information 6th April 2020
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Customer Update Autobodies Gold Coast Corona Virus Information 6th April 2020

To ensure the health, safety and well-being of our Staff, Customers, Suppliers & Contractors is our highest priority. Autobodies Gold Coast has made some changes to the way it conducts its business.

To Our Valued Clients

At Autobodies we are working to our utmost to combat this current situation. Please not not be offended as we adhere to the following procedures in a bid to contain the spread of disease:

1. Upon delivery place keys on the counter remaining behind the marked line. The same process will apply on vehicle pickup. This is referred to as “contact free drop off and pickup.”

2. All vehicles will be sprayed with a anti-bacterial spray & keys/ handles, gear shiftier, steering wheel will be cleaned with spray alcohol.

3. On collection of vehicles, in the safety of all we will again clean all of the above for your peace of mind.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in the bid to keep us all safe.

Daryl Russell
Autobodies Gold Coast


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